Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Plastic Horus Heresy models coming?

Big rumors have surfaced overnight regarding what we will see in the coming months at our local GW stores, and they are exciting to say the least. It looks like we may be seeing Horus Heresy plastics start to be released in GW stores in the near future! Here is the original link with the sources of the rumor for those interested - http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/02/mind-blown-two-best-40k-rumormongers-say.html . I for one am very curious to see how this is going to turn out. More thoughts and details below. 

Initially, some of the rumors had said that we would be seeing a release of space marines in Mk9 power armor. I always thought that sounded utterly ridiculous as we had yet to ever even see the Mk8 become the standard with 40k marines today, so i never put much credibility to that. Well, apparently I was correct in that assumption, but instead we apparently get something so much better anyway; plastic kits of Heresy era armor! 

Supposedly in May, we might see the first release, which is reportedly a box set that will be limited release, but followed by a standard release for the models contained inside. This definitely sounds like a reasonable option for GW, because if i recall correctly, their current deal with Warner Bros./Newline Films comes to an end in 2017 and they will be glad to be out of it from what I hear. Releasing Horus Heresy product gradually to replace the atrociously under-performing Hobbit miniatures so that they have a stock ready to replace the older game once pulled will allow them to seamlessly transition to selling a product that will move more units than the Hobbit stuff ever did. Forge World has done really well with their Horus Heresy game, and its interesting that GW is willing to tread into their territory on this as its not something they usually make a habit of. That said, its also not like GW to ignore a huge opportunity to make way more money, which explains why they might do it anyway. 

For those who haven't yet played the 30k ruleset, its a lot of fun. I keep reading people on comments boards whining about it being only Marines vs Evil Marines and whatnot, but in actual fact, the rules feel much more diverse between each Legion due to their many doctrinal and tactical differences. They may look similar but they can end up playing quite different in games. It is likely that we will only see minor releases for this for a while though, as it would take GW quite a long time to convert some of the other kits to plastic, and I'm quite sure they won't be doing all of them, as that would definitely adversely affect Forge Worlds pocket too. 

Either way, this will definitely be interesting to see how these releases look. On top of that their is a rumor of a standalone assassins game that will contain 4 brand new re-sculpted plastic kits for the iconic assassin models that have been around for a while now. This will definitely be a nice buy for those who want some updated models for these and for those who haven't yet bought them.

This is definitely something to watch for in the coming months. I for one am excited to see what these models and releases are going to look like :)

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