Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Eternal Crusade is upon us!

By now, most of you have likely heard of the PvP centric 40k MMO that is currently in development at Behavior interactive, and if not, you have now.  This is some basic news and a rundown of current information that has been conveyed to the community so far. (Its not a fully comprehensive list, but these are some of the things that caught my attention and that make me excited for this game to be released.) Check out their link here if you haven't yet and sign up for the Arkhona Vanguard to gain early access to the first modules of the game before launch and be a Founder. [If you do sign up, please use my reference code - EC-YKCUK00EJ6B15 - if possible as it helps me gain a better reputation on the community and rank up my characters a bit :)] The first module of the game for Founders access is scheduled to be released in January, although the Dev team have also said that they are working to have it ready for us much earlier than that. Here is a link to the games website - Info on the game follows below.

So here is a rundown of some of the cool news and features that have been confirmed for the game. There is a ton of stuff that has been announced and even if you decide not to buy a founders pack on their website, at least sign up on the forums (completely free) and get access to the community and news that you may have missed elsewhere (Dev Team staff are also very active and friendly here).

Races Confirmed for launch:
Eldar (Playable)
Chaos Space Marines (Playable)
Orks (Free for All Players)
Space Marines (Playable)
Tyranids (NPC faction)

Store Items:
Relic/Heresy Weapons - rare and unique gear; very limited(NOT more powerful than any stuff found in game already that is free)
Founders Items - unique vehicles and gear that are only available to founder level players (NOT more powerful than things found in the game for free)
Rogue Trader Items - gear, skins and armor that are available to all players and are mostly to make players cooler looking than others. (No weapons or gear found here is better than already contained in the game)
Classes vary between the factions, but expect to see a basic default set of the following, with multiple sub-classes that diverge the player skills/abilities more. Classes below based off Space Marine/Chaos Marine factions shown to date, but expect to see at least similar classes/roles for the other factions at launch.
Tactical - Basic all purpose soldier. carries relatively light weapons but is fairly flexible in combat roles. Can hold their own in a both ranged and melee combat fairly effectively.
Devastator - Heavy Weapons specialist. less mobile than other classes, but packs a heavy punch. expect heavy weapons ranging from Heavy Machine guns to Anti Tank missiles/lasers, etc. Not very strong against melee attackers.
Assault - Highly mobile melee specialist. easily the more maneuverable class, with a strong melee edge, while having inferior firepower to the other classes, they are currently very powerful but are being rebalanced by the Dev Team.
Hero - Special abilities, wide variety of configurations of weapons, etc. Not yet shown in demo streams, these classes can be expected to be powerful, but also rather specific in combat/ support roles on the battlefield. Will stand out on the field when next to other players due to the unique appearances they have.
Tanks, troop transports, and fast vehicles (bikes/jetbikes) are confirmed. Currently player pilot-able flyers have not been confirmed. They may make the game at some point, but likely not until after launch. So far only Rhinos and Predators have been shown, but expect to see Land Raiders and more as Development ramps up.
Player models:
Not all have really been shown yet, mostly basic views, but the Orks, eldar and Tyranid models shown all looked good. Character models are also being given full motion captured animations for their actions in the game. Some of this has been shown in the latest live stream video. Community feedback led to a fully updated form of the Space Marine (looks much better now) to be added to the current build of the game.

Game Features:
Base Capture - player factions fight for control of various outposts across continents of the planet. More than one point has to be captured and held simultaneously for a period of time before the base switches hands to the attacking faction.
Supply Resources - supplies matter in the PvP game of Eternal Crusade. some bases will be very hard to take as long as they are getting constant supplies. Taking these out before the main assault will help ensure that the attacks are more likely to succeed.
Resource Points - Each player gains resource points to spend on tanks, transport, etc during their time in the game. Additionally faction/guild commanders will also have additional points to assign to certain areas of the battle to help their factions with attacking or defending their territories.
PvE content - confirmed, but this is a small part of the game. Certain points of interest will contain NPC enemies with secrets and/or bosses to fight inside them. Tyranids form the bulk of the PvE content in the game.
Environmental Destructibility - confirmed, however only certain parts will be destructible due to the constraints of making such a huge game with so many additional core features to implement.
Loot - confirmed, although how this is to work remains to be seen or stated.
Day/Night system - Confirmed
Dynamic Weather - They are working to get this into the game. currently they are experimenting with different programs to see how much this will affect the games performance.
Damage Points - Each vehicle and player has multiple hit boxes on them, and different points cause different levels of damage. (for example headshots do far more damage than leg hits, etc)
Guilds - confirmed. These will be limited to 100 players per guild from what i remember hearing, although this may change. The Devs will also be updating the site to support the community creating a mini web page on the EC website for players to join or look at the various Guilds in the game. Player Created Guild Logos/banners are also in. (they will feature tools for this on the redesigned site)
Battle Damage - confirmed, but currently still being implemented and has not yet been shown.
Multiple Vehicle Firepoints - confirmed. In current footage of the game that's been shown, the Predator tank has 4 different points for players to sit in. Depending on where a player is in the tank, they control a different gun, or steer the tank around the battlefield. Fully crewed tanks are far more effective than one with only one occupant.
Player Revival - players when wounded, are first left in a "downed state" rather than flatout dead. friendly players have the ability to help them back up, while enemies have the ability to perform executions, however, these leave them exposed to attack while performing the kill. Downed players can also just be shot more to finish them off.
Outpost/Territorial Abilities - confirmed. Holding certain outposts will allow a faction a special ability, used/called in by faction commanders when available. Examples given were Void Shield defense systems, and Macro Cannon bombardment.

This is but a brief list of things coming in the game, but for more information and a good look at the current build of the game, feel free to check out  the Eternal Crusade Twitch feed here - These live streams are held every Friday at 1:30pm Eastern Time and typically have live Q and A for the community and also often a new demo of the game, showcasing some PvP play and going over some new features, etc. Please also bear in mind before judging the game on graphical quality, that this is not even an alpha build of the game, this is just a very early look at it, and it continues to look better with each video. They are fun to watch and they do a very good job of trying to answer the biggest questions the player community has. I would definitely recommend watching these if you are unsure about putting any money into the game so far from release. That's all for now though, I hope this has got you as excited for the game as i currently am. :)

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