Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Horus Heresy Units

With the release of Book 2 of the Horus Heresy, some of the Gamesday release models are surfacing for sale in full release now on Forge World. The Emperors Children Kakophoni and the Word Bearers Ashen Circle units are both now available. These two units happen to be two of my favorite releases of the Heresy models so far as regular units go. the level of detail and character in each model is amazing, and i could easily see plenty of justification of these being fielded in regular 40k games as Noise marines and Raptors respectively.
 I think the sonic weapons on the Kakophoni alone are a nice conversion opportunity for noise marines, as i think these Forge World ones look far more menacing and powerful than the Games Workshop Sonic Weapons, which are now pretty old.
With the Ashen circle, the chain-axes that they wield would look really nice on a unit of Chosen or Khorne Berzerkers, possibly even Terminators. Definitely could see these in a World Eaters themed army that's for sure. Actually I'M kind of tempted to add some for my own small Khorne army :)

On that thought, I can't wait to see a model surface for Kharn as a World Eaters Company Captain. I think this model may end up being the go-to option for people that are tired of the really old sculpt Games Workshop currently still has (not that he is a bad model by any means). Forge World is quickly becoming a standard for Space Marine models in my opinion. The New Space Marine release was not bad by any means, but when you are a player such as myself, who has accumulated a lot of points in most units in the game already, it doesnt leave that much room when new stuff does come out. I wasnt particularly impressed with the librarian or captain models. Mostly the only "New" thing i bought was the Hunter/Stalker tank as i like the almost-heresy-era look of it. I did also buy a box of the Sternguard and Vangaurd but those i already have a tons of so they were mostly for the cool bits for other projects. Personally i think i will mostly start getting Forge World models, as they really add a lot of unique variety to an army, and price-wise, aren't really the huge leap in difference that they once were.

What are your thoughts? Is Forge World a more viable option in terms of price now for some, or is Games Workshop still you primary source of new models?

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